Friday, May 20, 2011

Upcoming Party!

So, we're about a month away from the big girls' weekend.  This will be a fun one.  Let's all hope it's mostly warm by then!  We're especially excited to have the under-18 crowd joining us.

As of now, we count 11 attendees.  If Jessica feels the need to come work on her home sale this particular weekend, we'd love to change the number to 12!  [Jessica, that means your assignment is to let us know so we can buy you a play ticket.]

The middle generation took it upon themselves to plan the weekend.  We thought we'd let everyone else in on the plans -- especially since you all have assignments.  I'd advise you to read carefully then take notes on what you might be responsible for!  Generally, we're going to do the big shopping at one time and just split the cost.  For dinner on Friday, we are asking for help just so everything can be chopped up in advance and preparation will be simplified.

Friday, June 24

7:00 a.m. Leave Orem in two-vehicle caravan.  The party begins!!!  We'll all travel in Cathy's Suburban and one other car.  Somewhere around Filmore, we'll stop to potty and change things up in the car if we want.

10:30 a.m. Let the party begin - the work party!!!  Grandma gets to have our service for a few hours.  We may be working inside, outside, or upside down, but come prepared to do a little service.

Work will be followed by a yummy lunch at Grandma's house.  [NOTE:  Grandma, that means you now have two assignments.  Determine what you want done, and plan lunch for 11.]

After lunch we'll head to St. George.  We'll probably do a little shopping or something at this point.  When we feel like it, we'll head to check into our digs.

If it's warm enough, and we have time, we can hit the pool.  Bring a cute suit!!

For dinner, we'll have Hawaiian Haystacks.  For this, please bring your assigned item to Cathy's on Friday morning, and we'll put everything into one cooler to take.

Cheryl: Chicken
Colleen: Coconut, Chow mein noodles, pineapple
Heather:  Gravy (Colleen said that yours is really good)
Cathy: Rice
Romney: Mandarin oranges, chopped celery
Grandma: Chopped green onions and chopped tomatoes

Everyone: Bring a really good treat to share.  We'll eat them throughout the time we are there.  NOTE:  For those of us participating in the Summer of Health Challenge, we are planning on everyone not getting their sweets points this weekend.  Better exercise a lot in the days before so you'll have some free points available!

After dinner, we begin the Slumber Party!!!

Bring fun stuff to do nails if you have it.  Bring your best pajama outfit to model at the PJ Fashion Show.  [Grandma, here's your next assignment, you are in charge of the fashion show.  If there is something you want us to know beforehand, drop us a note.]

Bring games you want to play.  We'll play games and maybe even do a craft.  [Romney, there have been requests for Hilarium and Spot It, just so you know]


Saturday, June 25

7:00 a.m.  YES, I REALLY DID SAY 7AM.  Morning walk.  We'd love anyone who wants to go to take a beautiful morning walk to enjoy the early morning cool.

8 ish  Sourdough pancake breakfast.

Pool time
Play time
Nap time
Party time

Light lunch of quesadillas, nachos, fruit, etc.

Nielsen's  Frozen Custard Road Trip!!!!!!!  Woo hoo!!!

5:30 p.m. Dinner at fun restaurant in St. George

8:45 p.m. Grease at Tuacahn

Bedtime treats and bedtime??

Sunday, June 26

Sometime in the morning:  Crepe and fruit breakfast

11 a.m. Check out

Travel back to Orem

Hopefully this all sounds as fun to everyone reading this as it did to us when we planned it.  Send questions to Cheryl in case I forgot an important detail.  The condo is furnished and has dishes and such. You need to bring your own clothes, ear plugs, swimsuit, games, food assignments, etc.

Love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing! I am so glad I won't miss it. Thanks for everyones work to put this together.
